Phantoms Performance

Join Nitschmann Middle School at the Phantoms for OPENING NIGHT as they take on the Hartford Wolfpack on Saturday, October 12th at 7:05pm!

Nitschmann Middle School band will be performing on our concourse stage at 6 PM behind section 110 prior to the start of the game!

Discounted tickets can be purchased through this link in the lower level for $23.00!

Go to to purchase your tickets for this event.

Pre-paid parking is available through all sales channels for the Arena Garage (entrance on the corner at 7th and Linden). Parking is $6 for Phantoms games. Pre-paid parking cuts off 4 hours prior to the event. All sales after that are cash at the garage entrance only.

Other garages and parking areas are available if the Arena Garage is sold out. Please check out Allentown Parking Authority for more information on parking garage, costs and how to purchase.


Opening Night: Rally Towel Giveaway!

We are performing on the main concourse for the LV Phantoms on the opening night, Saturday, October 12.  We will play a variety of our band pep songs and marches while fans enter the arena. 

This is a voluntary performance open to all the wind and percussion members in the band.  All participants, students, parents, and guardians, need to purchase a ticket to the game to participate.  Tickets at $23 per person.  Parents are responsible for transporting their child and their child’s instrument to and from the game.  You will need to arrive around 5:15 pm so we can begin at 6 pm.

Please complete the form below so we can organize the performing ensemble. You will find a link at the end of the form to purchase tickets directly through the LV Phantoms.

Students who are playing instruments will need to take their instrument home with home from school on Friday, October 11 and bring it with them to the game. After we perform, the instruments will be stored where we performed before the game. Students will have access to retrieve their instrument and leave at any time during the game. All student participants are wearing their blue ID shirt.


Please have performers meet at the Air Products Gate on 7thand Linden NO LATER THAN 5:20 PM.

Students will need their ticket on their phone or their parent/guardian should accompany them to scan their ticket off their phone.

We will perform on the concourse behind section 110 beginning at 6 PM.


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